In Between
this site the web

In Short

Last thing I knew it was the middle of June, and now we are more than half way done August. Where the hell did these 2 months go?

Oh right, I know.

In short, I spent countless hours every day rehearsing and performing and spending time with a great group of people. Oh right, and Japan. That was a beautiful happening too.

I look back at this year (and my idea of years is always September- September) and I cannot believe that a year that started off so bad could end so go good. Well, maybe not bad/good, but you know what I mean (I'm trying to keep this short, remember?!).

So thank you to the people who managed to hold my pieces together. I love you more than I'd probably care to admit.

From one puzzle to the next

-Happy Blogger

First and Last

This is the first post I've made in a fair while, and the song is from the Last of the Mohicans. I'm so clever, har har har. Anyhow, I recorded a nice twenty-four-second track last night based on the theme from Last of the Mohicans. My roommate asked me to make an MP3 of it to go on his iPod so I tried to stretch it out with all the steps involved. It came out a little crowded and it sort of loses focus towards the end, but hell if I'm going to go back and record it again. My apologies for the feedback crackling at the beginning.

That's all,
 Sad Blogger

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