We met up at the Mariott hotel, and sat down to watch THE game. We ordered wings and fries, and geared up to watch Men Hocky Finals. Canada scores, US scores, Canada Scores. Canada almost wins. 50 second left, US scores. Gramma nearly haves a heart attack. A storm trooper with a Canada flag arrives outside to cheer on. It's tense, very tense. and we are just waiting for CrosBY TO SCORE!!! People jump up. People are cheering. Gramma's hugging strangers. Unity. Pride. Canada.
Robson was crazy. Getting through the crowds was nearly impossible. And knowing how much I am fond of crowds, I just couldn't wait to bask in it for the next couple of hours. We went shopping, and spent an hour in a store. (This is the part where I have a mental breakdown). Sending agry texts to sisters, panciking at what to buy family, the line ups, the expense. WoaH!
After that, we made our way to a Japadog, where we stood in line for an hour. I started to see the same cars, driving around and honking their horns, waiting for drunk strangers who are just as proud to come and give them a 'high five!" We finally got our japadogs, though the majority of mine ended up on my shirt due to some guy running into me. (This is the part in the story where our two young protagonists have a fall out and stop talking to each other). I wanted to finish shopping, she didn't. She was stubborn, I was crying. She was Concrete. I wasTransparent.
We silently got back up to watch the closing ceremony. I would try to make conversation, but she was persistant in her silent treatment.
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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