So, I just had one of the most eventful weeks of my life, and I shall try to put down in words as best as I can.
Let us start off with September 10. It was a thusday evening, and my mother organized a BBQ for my younger sisters school. So, as one of the major volunteers, and 'alumni' of the school, my older sister and I were forced to attend. So, we got the burger and watermelon and so on, and sat down just the two fo us, when the two priests at our local church came and asked if they could sit with us. We couldn't refuse, because we honestly didn't have anyone else we knew would be coming, so they took their seats, and started eating together. Now, they sit us down, and ask us some questions about how is school going, and what is our plans for the future, when this wonderful statement comes up. 'Hey, you should be a nun.' Now if you read my earlier blog, I just about died of laughter inside. My friend gave me a quote and said. "You would be the worst nun. You would either make them all want to kill themselves, or you would burn down the convent', and I cleverly stated ' And then their will be *nun*' Anyways. They tried to convince me for about 30 minutes, and they really got me thinking, that if all else fails in my life, I will go and be a nun, because like the priest said 'you get invited to places like this, and you don't have to pay'...
September 11. It's a friday, and the last day of my in- car drivers lessons. I was just so excited that I was finally gonna be done these lessons. So I'm standing there looking through the window, watching for his car to pull up. I got really anxious and nervous, but I'm standing there with my report card and license ready. So now he's 5 minutes late, and I put the items down for just a second to check the time. As I go to move, I dropped my license into an open drawer full of paper. [insert car noises here] driving instructor pulls up, and I have misplaced my license. So I run out and tell him what had just happened, and I stumble back inside panicking to look for my license. After 10 minutes of rumaging through the room, we decided we would just have to reschedule until after I find my license, when my mom opens up a pencil case, and looks inside to find my license. Excellent, now that I've had a minor heart attack, let's go driving down town, whaddya say?
...Later that evening. So I decided to have friends over for a little 'birthday' gathering, and I invited almost 20 people, mind you I'm socially awkward, and had no plans to do with the people coming over other than. Food, and Food, and Fire. So the first hour with all the people arriving was slightly painful, but overall in the end seemed to be a really fun night.
September 12, I got up, I danced, I went out for vietnamese food with my family, where we continously quoted Star Wars, and ate noodles. We came back, Ice cream floats, Beatles rockband ( which is ridicuously awesome if I must say so myself) and then went to bed
September 13, my birthday. It's 9 am, and I have to get up and go to work. I mean, the time went by really quickly, and I ate the most amazing sandwhich ever, I still managed to burn my wrist and now I have a beautiful scar. Thanks. So I'm leaving my work kinda tired, and I smelled bad ( I work in a kitchen) and I get out to a suprise. My aunt and uncle had come to pick me up and take me home. They drove me home, and I got in the door where my sisters came out with silly animal noise makers saying "Suprise. HUEUUEUE" It was awesome. I took a shower, came up, opened my presents, played some more rockband, and then instead of having birthday cake, my sisters made birthday trifle which was simply the best thing ever. Later, my dad took me out to practice my parallel parking. We went up and down the most narrowist streets parking and parking and parking. I felt slightly depressed, cause I didn't get all of them, and when I would get ones that were 2 inches from the curb, my father told me they were too close. IS there any such this as a park, that hasn't touched the curb as too close?! Got home, had some supper, and drove to Bragg Creek with my dad. This was probably my favorite part of my birthday, cause I'm driving down the highway in my gramma's van, listening to her old tapes, with the sun blazing in my face, so I put on her 'wrap around' sunglasses, and kept driving. I felt just sooo cool.
Moving On...
September 14.
Let's just say I got to school, band, social dance, [lunch] drama, social dance. easiest day ever right? but probably the most stressful. I didn't tell anyone I was going to try for my drivers during [lunch] so lunch time arrives, and my mom takes me down to Southland registry, where I sat there anxiously waiting. They guy comes out, I sign some papers, and I go out for my roadtest. I was super proud when I paralled parked on the first time, and hill parked on the first time, and everything was going awesome. I get back, and I park the car and he says "so, you've passed your test' That moment, I was just too excited. I got back in, told my mom, and I was jumping up and down. I knew at this moment I was going to be late for drama, but I didn't even care. I was just happy to have that done and over with. So my mom drives me back to school, and I get into class, and my best friend whispers in my ear. "your late", I looked back and said "I know, no big deal or anything, but I was kind of busy just passing my drivers..." Then she hit me. "I can't believe you didn't tell me!!!" That was a wonderful moment for everyone.
September 15. Wisdom Teeth.
I woke up, 7 o'clock. no pain killers or nothing, no sedation medications. Just me. and I get my wisdom teeth pulled. I get home. And did nothing. Actually, I havn't really done anything for the past 2 days now other than watch seasons of smallville and scrubs, and try not to laugh when people come home and give me nicknames like "Puff the Magic Dragon" or "Cocopuff" or make remarks such as "Holy man. your face exploded". So now I'm sitting here, hyped up on Tylenol 3's with a huge face, with nothing better to do than this. How wonderful.
-It was my birthday
-I have my drivers license
-I am missing 4 teeth
-I look like a chipmunk
-I love painkillers.
mmm. I think that's about it.
-Happy Blogger.
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago