It's now tuesday in Vancouver, and the day ahead is going to be very eventful. We set off to curling in a taxi, and began to make our way to the arena. On the way, we were stopped by this guy trying to sell us some stuff. At first, I was slightly reluctant, and it would have been my instict just to turn them down, but the items that they were selling seemed to be so convienient! They were lanyard's that were decorated with either Vancouver 2010 or all the flags of the countries that competed in the Olympics, and had a little plastic cover in which you could put your tickets in- very convienient, so you aren't searching for your ticket going to the events. I paid for 5 of them and distributed them to my family. They were 10 dollars each, which seemed kind of pricey- but hey, when was I ever going to get an oppurtunity to buy these again?
Personally, I didn't think curling was going to the that exciting. Growing up, my mother would always watch curling, and would often change the channel to check the score. I never really understood the game, but we had the tickets, and had nothing better to do that morning.
The arena was surprisingly cold, but I couldn't do anything about that then. The matches started, and it was hard to focus on a certain match. I would try to focus in on the Canada vs. Great Britain game, but they were on the furthest side from me, which only made it more difficult. By the 8th round, things began to get really tense. I was actually following the games, and cheering on our womens team.
In the midst of everyone cheering on Canada, there was a guy in front of me, who would turn around in my moment of Canadian pride and would 'shush' me. I would understand if I was the only one cherring loudly, and I was being distracting to the athletes, but the entire place was screaming for Canada, and honestly, how much would change from shutting me up? ( I am very loud, and I know that- but still). Pfft. Grumpy old man.
It was a tense game between Canada and Great Britain, but Canada pulled through.
After curling, we met up with my cousin and went out for lunch. We ate at Urban Fare- which is similar to Sunterra- an expensive 'better' super market. But none-the-less, they served up a mean hamburger. Just minutes after lunch, we were back on the road again, going to meet my cousins boyfriend, who was to meet us to go to the Canada vs. Germany hockey game. Getting off the train was hectic. There were guys at the bottom of the escalators who were practically begging for tickets to see the game. We moved slowly through the large crowd- I had to force myself NOT to moo. Once in the arena, we sat down, and had great seats, about 20 up, and had a clear view of Luongo in goal. I had never been to a hockey game before- and the huge hype of the Canadian hockey team was immense- probably one of the best games to see for your first time, eh? There were points when the pucks were moving so fast, that it would take me 20 seconds to realize that they even got a goal. (Talk about slow, an entire arena is screaming, and you still don't clue in-). Anywho, Canada kicked Germany's butt, and they made it into the quarter finals. Go Canada.
Proceeding the game, we quickly ran over to BC place, where they were holding a 'Victory Ceremony'. We were on the 4th level, and had seats SS. 'A' was closer to the stage- so you do the math to how far we were up. I can't say I remember all the medals that were awarded that night, I just know that I was there to see Ashleigh McIvor get her gold. Following the awards ceremony, Billy Talent played. They took down these 'sheets' that were covering their stage, and started off their show with lazers shooting off the stage. I reacted with a squeal, and everyone else cheered.
Devil in a midnight mass... I remember liking Billy Talent a few years ago...the guitarist hasn't changed his hair at all...Silent night for the rest of my life....
We didn't stay for the whole show, because it was getting late, and we were growing tired. On the way out, my cousin met up with some of her friends that she goes to university with. Ofcourse, we were to awkward to go introduce ourselves, instead we pre-occupied ourselves with a game...
Imaginary Corners! I wasn't paying attention, and Slyssie ran into me screaming CORNERS! I nearly fell over- 'That must have been 10 points!' she told me. 'Yeah, well, if I can knock you to the ground, I get 20!'. (When I play games, I get really into it, and often times it becomes physical. Ie. In dance, we play musical chairs, and I have honestly thrown my sister off the chair on to the ground- you see- into it). In all my excitment, I backed up a little bit, and took a run at her. Did I notice she wasn't paying attention? Ofcourse not! So there she goes, flying to the ground, knocking her glasses off. (Oops, my bad).
I felt slightly embarassed, but not as much as she was. I've vowed to NEVER play that game again- or atleast not with her.
We took the bus home, read about some religion in a little panflet someone handed me. I thought it was funny and planned on keeping it- but I was forced to recycle it. Oh well.
Like every other night so far, got into PJ's and watched Glee.
What? I like repetition, okay?
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago