Yet another beautiful morning in the city of Vancouver. I was awoken by the sounds of some trucks picking up the garbage- beautiful way to wake up by the way- and sat down at the table with a muffin and OJ. My aunt and uncle had gone out for a few moments earlier that morning on some business, but when they came back at 10 am, they urged us to get ready and come down stairs as soon as possible. So I ran and put on any thing I could grab, and headed downstairs. 'You might want to get your camera's out, girls' my aunt told us. Oooo what could it be...? I looked around and couldn't understand what I was supposed to be looking for, though it was parked right in front of me; A glorious white-stretch limo. 'We have a limo for a couple of hours- so let's go for a tour through Stanley Park!' Great. I'm going into a strecth limo, and the clothes I put on was a pair of nearly wrecked sweatpants and a black sweater! Anywho, we got in the limo, took a few pictures of everyone in the limo, and began to drive through Stanley Park.
Our limo driver was super nice. She would explain a little bit of history of Vancouver, and certain tourist attractions we were driving past. We saw the 5 rings from behind, a canon where a gun shot would be going off everynight at 9, a mermaid in the water, and various destruction in the trees. ( I can't really remember what happened to the trees- but it looked devestating). We pulled up near Ferguson's point, and had lunch at the Tea place up there.
The restaurant appeared pristine and fancy- Great- not only did I look crappy in the limo, but now I look even worse in the restaurant. I ordered fish n' chips. You could tell the fish was freshly battered and cooked, and the fries were tiny but delicious. Whilst looking at the dessert menus, I saw a dessert I had never heard of before : Poached Pear Claufoutis (pronounced Claa*foo*tee not Claa*fow*tiss). Though the name seemed interesting enough to order, I went with the chocolate molten lava cake. Twas delicious.
Back in the limo- and back to the condo. I met up with my older cousin ( who was running very late might I add) and took a cab to Lonsdale Quay. From there we boarded a bus that took us up to Cypress. After a 25 minute cab-a 40 minute bus ride- we had to walk another half hour to get to security. On the way, we noticed that the person walking in front of us might have competed in womens mogales. Apparently we weren't the only people that had noticed, and people started to take pictures of and with her, and showed the wave of people her medal. She was very sincere, and told the crowd of people to cheer on her brother, who would be competing in men's aerials.
My cousin was stopped at security. You see, I could carry in my avian bottled water, but she wasn't allowed to bring in her own water bottle. Security escorted her outside and watched her as she dumped the contents. The whole time she was muttering 'You wanna taste it? It's WATER!'...'I know it's not you, it's the System...stupid system'.
On the way to the stands, we got pictures with Quatchi and Miga, and some random dude with a top hat who was a one man show trapped in a curtain. We found our seats (PING PONG PING) and was rudely told by the guy behind us that we were in his seats, and that if people came to take their seats, we would have to move. We didn't talk back, though tempting as it was, and watched him as he walked (humiliated) to the section over where his seats.
The event commenced. The jumps were so cool, and everyone there could flip with ease and make it look effortless. I felt bad for the guys who could fall or wipe out- especially this one guy who caught his toe edge, and went face first right into the snow- ouch!
We walked, we talked, we took a sea bus, and on the way home, picked up a pint of ice cream each. We walked along the waterfront, got a picture of the flame, with the flame, of the golden rings, with the golden rings, and headed back to the condo. We watched some glee, ate ALL the ice cream and went to bed.
...we really shouldn't have eaten all that ice cream....
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago