Last Friday, my friend decided to take me to The Stepfather. I had honestly never gone and seen a scary/thriller/horror movie before, and she wanted to take me to my first.
She picked me up, and we headed down to the theater. On the way down, I pre-warned her that I might just jump into her lap, or scream, or put my head into her shoulder, and that she should be ready for that. In the midst of talking, we got slightly confused of the directions to the theater, so we took a rather quick exit in which 'probably broke 6 laws' and headed up a different road. Luckily, my old dance studio used to be in the area, and I knew how to get to the mall from there. We get into the mall parking lot, and as we pull in two other cars had simaltaneously pulled out too. 'F' bombs blew up everywhere, and close cutting turns took place, but we moved past that. As we go to park, she had originally tried to pull in a stall going straight, had to back up, but ended up parking perfectly straight in the stall behind us. For an amateur driver, it was pretty awesome. We got out of the car, and then realized we hd parked on the complete opposite end of the mall to where the theater was, 'but walkings good for you' she assured me, and off we went.
As we finally neared the theater, we got up there, stood in a ridicoulously long line up for the tickets, and then another long line up for popcorn, sat down in the packed theater. One of the people working there came in soon after and warned us that the movie had a sound glitch, and that if we wanted refunds we could, but we decided to stay... we had already paid, walked ALL the way to the theater, popcorn, ticket... you get the picture...
The movie started. Now, I have seen other scary/thriller/horror movies before, just not in the atmosphere of a theater. So I knew that the first half of the movie wouldn't be scary, but just to gather information, and try to think out what you think could possibily happen. The plus side to this movie, was Penn Badgley was shirtless for the majority of it. I don't want to ruin the ending, but you know that there is a stepfather that is killing families... and so you could probably guess what was going to happen, you just never know when...
At parts, I had grabbed my friends wrist and squeezed it until I think she lost circulation, then squeezed her hand... gasped, never screamed, but none the less, it was the scariest movie I have seen in theaters...
The movies now done, and we are walking all the way back to the car. On the way back, most of the stores were being shut down, and just being the people we normally are, walking incredibly fast. As were walking back, there were these guys that were sitting on some of the chairs that started saying 'Oh yeah' repeatedly. Me, being totally oblivious to the fact that they were talking to/about us, just kept on walking. Once they said 'Don't you walk faster' it then clicked that they were talking to me (we were walking ridicously fast). I mean, I have gotten a 'Hey babe' and stuff like that, but 'Oh yeah?!' was just weird in my opinion. I mean, what do guys honestly think that we are going to do if they start talking to us like that. I just don't understand why guys feel the neccesity to do that, and if any one can give me a valid reason of why guys actually do that, I might just change my mind. Anyways, got back to the car, laughed about it, and now that is our insider joke, so when I walked into school on monday, and my friend said 'Oh yeah' as I walked in, people were just confused, but it made sense to me.
Overall, it was a pretty good night, but the weekends over, and so it's back to work I go.
-Happy Blogger.
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago