Well, through all my procrastination, I finally have a spare moment in which I can sit down and reclaim my thoughts. Phew!
Well, like every other morning in my life, I was to wake up and eat breakfast. Followed by putting some clothes on. I probably sat down and ate some lunch a little bit later, and went shopping down Robsons street. Some people shop to relieve stress, but as per myself, it does the very opposite. While every other girl my age would be happy to spend their parents money they have lent them, I feel serious guilt, and simply hate spending money, like my mom says "we're shanty Irish". Also, I panic over whether I'm spending to much, or whether the person I'm buying something for will like what I'm getting them, and then there's the line ups, and people looking at the same things you are, and I can honestly say I have broken down and started crying in a store, because the crowds are so overwheming. My Theory: Get in and get out, that way I can maitain partial sanity.
Later in the day, we had tickets to Short Track Speed skating. My uncle is a sports journalist for the Edmonton Journal, and was at the arena at the same time we were. So, we attempted to meet up for a brief second. It was quite commical, because there are only a thousand people standing in the same place you are, and descriptions of location through texts simply failed, due to the people sending them (Later we decided we were the worst texters on the planet). After a few minutes of standing where you were, waiting to see the other person, we realized we were actually standing right behind each other, but were to preoccupied with all the other humans to recognize them. We talked for a couple of minutes, and then proceded to our seats.
Gramma was a real trouper the whole trip, but I would personally like to give my entire credit to her getting to these seats. We just happened to be in the nosebleeds of the nosebleeds. I'm pretty sure that the arena had set up this extra row to sell tickets. We were at the very top, no one behind us. Fifty thousand steps later, we got to our seats. The competitons were short, but sweet, and though our seats were slightly inconvienient to get to, we could see the whole rink, which was kind of awesome. They had qualifiers and Team Pursuit. This was the one where one of the teams got disqualified- I believe China or Korea. The american team should consider themselves lucky- because they were soo far behind, and managed to get a Bronze medal. Poo Poo Poo.
We ended up leaving a little bit early, because we desperately needed to beat the crowds, as Gramma needed her time getting down the stairs. Fifty thousand steps later, we were safe on flat ground. All I could think was, My Gramma's a Super Trouper.
Went out to Dinner, and finsihed the night off with some glee. Per usual
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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