In Between
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What Rhyme's with Know-it?

I love dreams
I love that reality is a dream and dreams are reality, at least that's how I feel most of the time.
I feel crazy. But crazy is perfect, and fucked up is perfect, so I will be perfect

I always say I just write thoughts- but as my crazy poet friend always says "thoughts are poetry, everything is poetry" I might as well admit that I have written another thing-a-ma-bob-that-I-have-problems-defining

the world where we live

in parallel skies we sit together
in parallel rooms we drink tea
in the delta waters we find infinite time
        it is easy to get found with you

here, things aren't complex
here, things find themselves
here, I don't worry that we don't collide
     in that place where we should belong

I hold onto reflections, intentions, perfection
I hold onto embraces, those traces, space
I hold on so hard
         that in waking makes me raw

you're disguised as the air
you're so gone that you're there
but I know you're waiting
              by the delta waters

there, we resume where we left off
there, we disregard earth's imprisonment
there by the delta waters
               is the world where we live

Yet another vague look into the depths of my dilemma. 
Yours truly, 
Happy Blogger



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