After a few days of staying at home because my face had exploded into a chipmunk, I finally went into school where I had finally built up the confidence to enter back into society where people might acually look at me like a normal human being, but this random Gr . 10 who asks me what happened to my face, I got out of the school as possible and drove myself home. Then I watched a whole other season of Smallville so I could catch up for the New 9th Season that Premiered Yesterday.
Smallville: By the way, is the most addicting TV show ever, well for me atleast. I used to love it a couple of years ago, but I kind of fell out for a little while, but now I'm back on. I realized how much of a nerd I actually am, because one year for Christmas I got a Superman blanket, and would tell people, "I sleep with Superman every night!", oh and my initials might just happen to be the same as the super heros alter ego, I attended a wedding in which, Erica Durance, the woman who plays Lois Lane, was there, and I brought my 4th season of Smallville so she could sign it, in which she actually did (Big smiles), and last but not least, I'm looking into Journalism as a career, I mean, I've always loved the idea, but Smallville might just have happened to help...
School: I'm sure you don't really want to hear about how boring Math can be, or how much work I did, but one day while my friends and I were super bored, we sat there writing random quote in one of my friends agenda's, not famous 'quotes', but just things that we thought of at the moment, and I could bet my life, if anyone read them, I would bet they thought we were high while writing them...
Some Quotes: Once upon a time, you Happy Blogger clanged a bell, and from that moment, she
created time...
The Hunchback of Notre Dame this week tells you to finish CALM
You can put pancakes in an oven to cook, just make sure it doesn't steal your look
Do you have an Orangutan, or does and orangutan have you?
Gosh Darnit, I don't remember anymore. Oh well.
What is it with this weekend with everyone wanting a Big Mac?
My dance school applied for a grant, and on the video I definetly said "Thank you for your consideration for grant for the North American ChampionshIT. and then I laughed. How excellent.
I'm kind of in love with all the songs from Rent at the moment.
'I don't care how many kids I have, and I don't care what kind...'
I love Eric Forman
I want to turn my van into an Icecream truck. And then I learned that that isn't legal. darn.
I love Fruit Gushers. Yum.
If you havn't noticed, my span for staying on one subject is very very low today.
The Mummy 3 is a ridiculous movie, but I kind of loved the ending...
"I'm gonna get out of China and move to Peru where there are no mummy's..."
- A few weeks later Mummy's were found in Peru.
I referred to the grown up question of "where do babies come from?" as "where do drugs come from?"
I drove around the safeway parking lot as if it was a go carting thing today. ( don't worry there weren't any cars)
I'm going as 'Sneezy' for Halloween!
Who wants to take Tango Lessons?...
After Highschool, I want to take a week off, Fly to China and walk the Great Wall Of China. Who's with me?
Mmm. I think that's enough brain leakage for one night.
Good Evening.
-Happy Blogger.
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago