What to type? What to type...?
You know what I hate more than anything? I hate it when I'm working on something (ie. I painting, a blog post...) I really hate it when people are watching me from behind. It's like there to scared to ask me what I want to write about, and then I sit there all frustrated and flustered because for some weird reason it really bothers me. I remember once I got a 'paint by number' thing from my dad's company for Christmas. I had never actually had any interest in painting it until one summer day where I was really bored, and pulled it out for something to do. I sat there in peaceful serenity, and one of my sisters came and watched me work from behind. Naturally, I became super tense and stopped. It's even worse when they say, 'Don't stop', or 'Sorry, did i disrupt you', because- yes. Yes you did. I'm not quite sure why I get like that, but I don't like people seeing/reading things before they are finished. Once I'm done- it's all theres, but until then, it's my secret.
(p.s. inspiration for rant=sister waiting for me to write something)
Tommorow's Halloween, and what better way to celebrate by going to the Marianas Trench concert? Even though they've come to Calgary before, I never went because I never learnt to appreciate them until this summer. I mean, I had heard Cross My Heart and All to Myself on the radios, but in my own opinion, those aren't their best songs. They are their most 'radio compatible' but I prefer their masterpieces. I'm going with a couple of my good friends, and we were all supposed to dress up as Mystery Inc. Mind you, our Velma didn't want to wear orange, and our shaggy would be 5'4, and Fred's a girl. But what's wrong with that? Well, they all decided against it, but I'm still going as Daphne, and Scooby Doo is still going.
Scooby Doo, where are you?
Due to recent events, I have been proved to be the most 'clueless' driver. The other day, I drove to dance, and I pulled up into a stall which was on a bit of a hill. I don't usually put on my parking break, and so I parked a little bit further back so I would roll in. But then I decided that that isn't very smart. So I pulled forward, put on my parking brake, turned off my car and my lights. But now I couldn't get the keys out. I sat there panicking for a few minutes while my friend and I were trying to figure out what kind of stupid stunt I had pulled this time. About 5 minutes later, I realized my car wasn't in park. Fixed that problem, but later that weekend, my car wasn't shifting cars very easily, and I was trying to figure out why. Neither my mom or my dad could figure out either. (You see, my van is extremely old and crappy- so anything that goes wrong is not shocking). But one morning, it was still a little dark outside, and I was driving my sister to school. I went out to warm up the car, and try to get the car to go into reverse. Then I noticed that when I was pressing on the breaks, the lights at the back weren't lighting up.... and the car won't come out of park unless the breaks are on- and if the car isn't detecting the breaks aren't on, the car won't change gears! Jinky's! Zoinks! Jeepers! I solved the mystery! Ooh- I'm feeling like Mystery Inc. already! I proudly came back in the house, told my dad what was happening- and I personally feel I redeemed not so 'clueless' status.
My next mystery to solve? Find the person who's behind the lock situation at school.
Let's split up, gang!
Happy Halloween
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago