It all started when I was five. I remember my cousin telling me her favorite colour was green. If her favorite colour is green, my favorite colour should be green too! Then she told me her favorite colour was purple. If her favorite colour is purple, my favorite colour should be purple too! Then she told me her favorite colour was blue. If her favorite colour is blue, I guess I should stick with purple. And to this date my favorite colour has been purple, and hers is still blue. I guess some things never change.
Funny enough, all my solo dresses for competitions have composed of 'green and/or purple'. My very first one was a tiny little green velvet thing, lined with gold, followed by a green velvet dress lined with silver, followed by a purple sparkly dress, followed by a green sparkly dress, followed by a green velvet lined with purple. Get the picture?
I remember watching a video of all the family's on my Dad's side of the family filming a thing for my Grandma's 70th. We all did 'spoof's' or reenactment of parts of my Grandma's life. One of the families filmed my Grandma and her obsession with the colour purple. It's one of those things, 'you know your a Kehler when you love Purple'.
Once in Gr. 9, I was wearing a purple shirt, and I had a random girl come up to me and tell me that I was 'meant for purple'. She went on some rant about how purple compliments my skin tone, and my green eyes, and my hair colour... blah blah blah. I guess we were meant to be.
This year when I was opening my birthday present, I screamed when I saw my very own pair of purple spandex leggings with a matching bandeau. My uncle exclaimed, "I think we just found out what makes the Happy Blogger happy".
My mom went to Australia for 3 weeks, and brought back my sisters and I some gifts. She told us to close our eyes and hold out our arm -(places objects)- open your eyes. I opened my eyes to a glorious pair of purple knitted uggs. At that moment, I could care less that my sisters got the same boots just different colours, and I screamed. My sisters thought I was obnoxious, but I was just too excited.
This weekend, I went to Cross Iron Mills for the first time. The only reason I really went there was to go to Forever 21. I was browsing in the store, when I came across a pair of purple cords. I swear to God it was love at first sight. My friend looked at me telling me I'm crazy. 'I'm not crazy, I'm in LOVE!' I believe are the words that I responded with. To top that day off, I bought two toques and a Star Wars shirt. I swear I could have possibly the happiest person alive.
I'm tickled purple!
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago