So far, this summer has been long...boring. FUN! quiet. LOUD. up, down, splurging out the side, but it always seems to serve up something nice. Whether it was quick pit stop at the closest restaurant, or burnt marshmellows, in they end, they all seemed to be, Nice.
If any of you have ever, you know, 'washed dishes', yeah, well try it camping! It's not always so inviting, where there is no drain, and the water will spill all over you, and you try to stay as clean as possible, because there are no washing machines close, and you fret about, making a big fuss over the nearing wasp thats whispering thoughts of *buzz* in your ear. So, we did the best we could to try to eliminate this, and we bought little disposable plates.
They were stored away, and we had to go through, well this, until finally, there was an occasion in which we actually used them. There seemed to be a special occassion for my cousin, and there just happened to be a cake, unto which, was dying to be placed on some cheap, plastic, little plates. So, one the day of her Birthday, we pulled them out. Then she blew out the candles (Oops, sorry, no boyfriend) and we cut the delicate little pieces of chocolate plates. Now, you have to understand this; My mother was walking around saying 'Look, they're little plates for something special...' and every other time we seemed to use them, that simple little phrase came into mind.
Well, we had a nice little gathering, where we used our 'little plates for something special', and that phrase just seem to stick. Then you realize that it's the little things that can serve up something truly special. (Corny, I know.)
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago