The other night, while I was sleeping in my tent trailer, I was having a really awesome dream. I mean, I don't really remember anything about it now, except for the fact that I was about to win some concert tickets. I was sitting in this bland white room, crowded with people, and then they pulled a name out of the draw and was saying "Happy Blogger, Happy Blogger!" All I was thinking was "I won, I won!", and then I realized that the voice was actually an 'external' voice. It was my sister beside me saying my name. It was about quarter to six in the morning, and she looks at me and says "I think I was stung by something, once on my ear, and once on my side". My initial reaction, was burrow deeper into my sleeping back, and cover my ear with my hair, but then she tapped me and said "Seriously, I think something stung me", so I'm still in my sleepy haze, sans glasses, and I was trying to look around the little trailer for, well whatever could have bit my sister. And then she crawled out her sleeping bag, and I squinted (cause sometimes it helps to see better) and I saw a little yellow and black bug crawling in her sleeping back. Well, geez, I wasn't gonna kill it, so we ended up waking up my father, who went outside and shook out the sleeping bag to find absolutely nothing. After an Advil, and some shifting around the trailer, we were heading back to bed, and I looked at my sister and said "So, I guess this means I didn't win the tickets...?!" She looks at me blandly, and falls back asleep.
I was still overly confused on how we never found it, but still, I bug my sister with the occasional..."Still sleeping with the bees?" and she just stares back and mimics, "HAHA, your soo funny!" Well, I thought it was.
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago