Don't you just love it when you'll be sitting there listening to a song, and you realize that you can really understand what the artist was talking about, or just the feelings they were feeling at the time. That often will happen to me, and I'll sit there and pretend sometimes as if 'Taylor Swift' singing 'You Belong to Me', in hope that Lucas Till will realize that he actually belongs with me. But, no. Never happens. Also, you sometimes wish that you could escape into the world of music, and get lost in the lyrics, and be relieved for a few minutes from the crazy world surrounding us.
What I love about music is, is that it is an international language, and it can bring people together with this similarity of the music that can make us all feel unified. I love how it can change the present mood you are in.Well, I'm sure that all of you out there have heard of "High School Musical", and I know, if anyone was like me, that they would make fun of the fact that they all just randomly start dancing and singing, and you either think that they are retarded, or your like me, and you wish that you could do that too. Well, I wish that there could be songs that I could make up on the spot, and my whole school cafeteria would join me in singing about how much I hate my lunch, and we go off into a little jazzy routine, which would eventually lead to the over throw of the lunch lady, and everyone would rejoice. But, no. Never Happens. Instead, I sing stupid little 'diddy's' in my head, until I'm sitting there, bobbing my head up and down, and people start staring, oh, yes, the starring is wonderful. Then, I follow with just telling myself, that they are all secretly jealous that I can write a song about how much I hate my lunch, and that they will never have the mental capability of doing that, no. No, they won't. Then I feel better.
We all have secret ambitions in which we all want. And I just want to dance and sing, sans jugement. Vive la danse! Vive la musique! C'est la vie.
-Happy Blogger.