I was reminded today of one reason in particular why I hate high school students applying for universities/colleges.
Yes, I realize that whilst applying, everyone wants to make themselves look like a well rounded student that all the universities are looking for. Good marks, out of school activities, volunteering, etc.
It makes me sick to my stomach when kids looking to apply for universities go and volunteer the year before they head off to university to spice up their resume. Doesn't it defeat the purpose if you are volunteering with the intention of making yourselves looking better as opposed to actually volunteering to actually be a good decent person?
I'm sorry, but a good friend of mine is currently volunteering at LinkAges, with the intention of looking good when applying to universities. I realize that I'm a little biased, because I have been volunteering at a program at my church since I was 5, and didn't really have a choice. I still help when I can, not so that I can add it as the cherry on top of my resume, but because it's part of my upbringing, and it feels natural that I help when I can. I feel like I'm not alone when I say that when people volunteer, it not only helps the people they are volunteering for, but it hits a soft spot in their heart, and it is helping them in a deeper way.
Other wise, if you go, talk with an elder, and you leave unphased about what genuine service you are providing, I think you should be smacked. Any kinds of what ever you are doing. Don't be selfish for the love of God, because I think volunteering to make your self look better to universities is the most arrogant, self centered thing you could do.
So people out there, and I know who are you, don't be arrogant sons of bitches. Don't just pretend to care about these people, If you aren't sincere, go to a cabin in an isolated forest, sit there for 10 days, look into your soul and manage to find some some human compassion, and then you can help.
Yes, it is okay to be a little selfless sometimes.
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago