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Wake Me

I think the volume is at a better place with this one than with the previous track. I still have to apologize for the sound wuality, though. They're recorded straight onto my looper's internal drive and then played through a shitty 3.5mm extender into Audacity on my laptop. Not exactly Gold Star Studios. Either way, I drunkenly declared several weeks ago that I should write a death metal song. And in the spirit of trying to change and stop being a No-follow-through Norman or a Qunicy Quitter, I've been working on ideas to put toward that end. A few of them are okay. A lot of them are utter crap. But now and then a sound comes out of my amp that's halfway decent and I think the ones I'm posting below are a small collection of some of those decent sounds.

It's not so much a death metal sound as a metalcore sound but they're close enough together that I'm going to allow it. And it's not so much a song as an intro, but creativity only spawns more creativity so I'm going with what I got.

I should have more faith in myself. I should stop typing this massove disclaimer.

I love disclaiming, though. The soaring lead comes in a little wimpy and the driving lead gets confused when it speeds up. But I think it's pretty okay.

 -Sad Blogger


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