The sound quality of this one might be a little down thanks to how difficult it was to acquire some of the files. But I suppose the point is to help find new music and if you like the bootlegs enough, you can go out and buy the HIGH DEF SUPER SURROUND SOUND versions, right? Riiiiiigghhhtttt???
Anyhow, mostly alt rock/indie pop this episode. Move along if that's not your cuppa'. On the other hand, this might be a great way to make it your cuppa' if it wasn't already. As always, turn down your volume just in case and enjoy.
For those who want to take it to go, an mp3 of the show can be downloaded here.
Nedry - Float youtube
Moonlit Sailor - Waiting for Nothing youtube \\ torrent the album
I Was Totally Destroying It - Vexations youtube
The Hundred Days - Disaster youtube
The Beautiful View - The Horseman youtube
Moneybrother - Born Under a Bad Sign youtube \\ torrent the album
The Features - How It Starts youtube \\ torrent the album
My Jerusalem - Sweet Chariot youtube
Heligoats - Are You Saying Yes
The Builders and the Butchers - Rotten to the Core torrent the album
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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