I want to ride my bicycle!
I want to ride by bike!
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like!
Let's be honest, there is nothing worse than having a summer where you spend it moping around, trying to find things to do. Yes, I have a part time job answering phones for a Dinner Theater Company, but that only takes up a minimal amount of my time. I do some odd baby sitting jobs and 'get my mail' jobs, but realistically that's not going to eat up my days either. Because I need to make money like crazy, I have to stay at home all summer.
For the first little bit of July, I got the privledge to stay in a gorgeous house and watch my cousins dog. This house was a house sitters dream. Absolutely massive, huge TV's, king sized beds that smell like scented candles, massive deck, and I had the liberty to use anything in the house. Need I say more.
I also had a massive family reunion. Only 1/4 of my familes history was completely written out on 3 huge poster boards. It's ridiculous. My family was the kind of family that would organize a reunion where we would have a huge party where we sat around tables, passed around a microphone, each introduced ourslelves, and figure out why we were named what we were named, and see if our names have family ties. When it was my mother's turn to explain my name, she said I was named my first name because it was Irish, and it flowed with my older sisters name. Then she went on to explain that my middle name (which was my great grammy's name) was given to me because when my great grammy came to visit me in the hopsital and she held me, we both had wrinkly hands. What a story, huh?
We also had different colored bandana's given out for each generation and gender and wore them the entire night. Oh, and not to mention, we tried to teach all our american relatives to line danec. Out of all of them, my 83 year old great aunt who's a nun did the best job. Amen!
Some days I spend with my Gramma, just helping her with stuff around the house. I love going over because when she goes down for her afternoon nap, I also sneak off to her living room where she has a massive massage chair, and sit there in utter happiness and after a massage or 2, take a snooze. Not to mention, she has a beautiful sounding piano, where I can sit for hours and just play whatever.
In preparation for the arrival of the finale to the Harry Potter movie series, I watched the DVD's at home, and dug myself a hole in my TV room where I indulged in the magic and catered to silly headaches with water and advil.
In my opinion, I thoroughly enjoyed the last film. I got the worst gut wrenching feeling when Snape was killed, and when we saw Lupin and Tonks dead. Personally, I didn't think that Fred got the credit he deserved when he died. I started to full on bawl when Harry approached the Dark Forest, accepting his death. For whatever reason, seeing his parents, Lupin and Sirius just killed me. Then, I kind of spent the rest of the movie laughing. Voldemort trying to all pumped about Harry being dead just made me laugh, and that 'awkward moment when the dark lord tries to hug you' with Malfoy just made me laugh. I can recall the first time reading the Epilogue in the 7th book, and keeling over laughing and almost peeing my pants laughing, so I did the same in the movie. I mean, how can you not laugh? All was well!
The same night I saw Harry Potter, I also saw the Winnie the Pooh movie. It was seriously so well done, and the cutest thing I have ever seen. At one point, my cousin pointed out the tigger reminds her of my Dad. I don't think I can ever look a tigger the same way again, mind my dad. It's weird how my Dad oddly resembles an ADHD Tiger.
Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy fun fun fun FUN FUN!
I'll be able to keep myself preoccupied for the rest of the month of July, however I feel that august is going to be the longest month of my life.
All I want to do is ride my bike. The only thing that kind of sucks is that one of my families bike has a sketchy gears and makes clicking noises and the other 2 have a flat tire that my dad lost the pump to fill the tires up. Hmmmmph! I shall have to figure that out. For August, it'll only be my sister and I at home. She works full time, I don't. Meh! I feel like I'll do alot of solo exploring.
Sunday morning, go for a ride?
I'm really hoping to score fulltime come september. I might die from emptiness. Not actually, but still.
I need to start setting little goals. Like learn how a stupidly hard piano piece, knit a sweater, learn to meditate, read books, make a scrap book, lie out and watch the stars, actually make plans if I'm bored, walk along the river, have a cards night, clean my room, go for a jog- a hike! Do a puzzle, climb a tree, draw a picture, camp out in the back yard, have a camp fire, sing into the broom when no ones looking, work out, bake, sleep in, wake up early, learn new language, ...live really.
So this is me, logging in from my first bike ride of the summer. Even though it was twice as hard peddling with a flat tire, I persisted on. Hopefully it will be the first of many adventures.
La la la la la la la la la la
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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