-Got up at 5:50 am, Uncle Pat picked me up at 6:50am. Off to the airport where our 9:10am flight was delayed until 11:00am. Our flight to Vancouver was short and sweet. I watched an episode of "Sherlock", that Neil recommended I watch. Because we were so delayed, we had to run (I skipped) to our plane leaving for China. I sat with Haley. For meals I ate chicken/pasta, beef/barley which tasted like crap and make my stomach nauseaed the entire flight. So I took a gravol which was dunny because I became 'loopy' very quickly. I fell asleep by Joanna, and made remarks with how much she looked like a big baby, and then I passed out. Then Alayna(?) reclined her chair in front of me, and I woke up abruptly, snorting and screaming that my head was squished, followed by I had triple vision in yellow, and I could have sworn there was a dog on the plane. I watched Blue Valentine, Dinner for Smucks, Comedy Central, Harry Potter 7. Landing in Beijing was cool, because it looked so "lego" likeand clumped into little sections. Once we landed, we took pictures, took a train, went for supper where I tried everything but the Duck. Hotel is beautiful, and Rachel and I are very much excited. We have been up for over 24 hours so we are very tired. Chaperone group is awesome.
"I DIG IT" <3
-I'm Done I'm tired.
The night before leaving, I thought it would be smart to stay up as late as I could, and get as little sleep so I could sleep on the planes. I forgot how hard it was to fall asleep on the planes. On our way to the International terminal, I seriously skipped the entire way, because I figured I wouldn't be getting any excercise for a while, and it would help me become tired. Haley and I kept a countdown on the plane, which seemed to be the longest 10 hour flight ever. Most the movies I listed I nodded off in. I had never really taken gravol in my life until that moment, and thank god I only took one. I was seriously trippin. It took a while for it to really sink in that we were in China. We were convinced that we had turned around at some point over the pacific, and that Bishop Carroll had pulled the biggest prank in history. The food was pretty decent, and at this point I was ready to jump in to the chinese cuisine and eager to try new stuff. We stayed at the Loong Palace Hotel and resort, which is considered a high class hotel in China. It took forever for us to get settled into our rooms, so we stood around in the lobby for a while. At this point we had been up for several hours, and we were soo over tired it was painful. Gabrielle said "I think about to loose it", and I said "What ever it is, I've already lost it". We were so delirious, and everything to us was hilarious, we started tearing up. There were huge marble statues of aquatic animals, and Alayna said "Look those are cool!", and I (half asleep) responded "I Dig it", so that's that reference. Once in the hotel, I seriously just passed out and I don't think I have ever slept better.
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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