To put it bluntly, I tried being vegan for a week because Oprah went vegan for a week.
Funny thing is I'm not even that big of a fan of Oprah. I realized that if she said let's jump off a bridge, I would be one of those people who jumped because Oprah did. Unfortunately I'm a brainwashed zombie. Damn.
I chose a terrible week to do it, with Superbowl sunday sitting right in the middle of the week, and my friends 18th birthday.
I only lasted 3 days. I gave up when the honey garlic chicken wings were served during the half time of the game, I mean, who could give up honey garlic!?
I think I probably could have committed if I really focused. I mean, I'm not always the biggest fan of meat, and most animal by products as it is. The worst part about being a vegan in my opinion, is the lack thereof of cheese. I was seriously deprived. Cheese is stupidly amazing.
Veganism isn't for me. Maybe I could sway vegetarian? I could still keep my cheese...huh!
I want a cheeseburger.
That's all.
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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