And there off...
I'll be honest, my first couple weeks of school have been very different than I anticipated. The night before my last first day of High School, I headed off to dance. This would be my first dance lesson back since the summer holidays. So I arrive at dance, get my shoes on and get warmed up. I walked back and forth in the dance studio, stretching, talking, getting in trouble for talking, though we continue to talk... and my dance teacher announces we are going to do reels. So, naturally, I go up first, and start dancing. Within the first 8 bars of the dance ( I hadn't even completed both right and left feet of the step) and I fall doing a 'push-two-three'. I'll be honest, it didn't really hurt, though we decided it was in my best interest that I sit out for the rest of the class, and then start up next class. I can remember thanking God that I had hurt my left foot, as I was driving home that evening. So I get home, and ice and elevate it. Next morning, I wake up and my foot is throbbing to the point where I couldn't even put pressure on it. So we called up a few favours from a friend, and they lent me crutches. So there I am, heading back to my first day of Gr. 12, and I'm in crutches. As I was heading down the stairs from orientation, the yearbook commitee snatched a couple shots of me struggling down the stairs; I can only hope that that doesn't make an appearance in the yearbook. That afternoon I made a little visit to the doctor to see what I did. Apparently I strained these two tendons in my foot, and that I should wear a brace for the next 6 weeks... Great.
The first day was a huge change for many of my classmates. You see, over the summer, I cut off atleast 12 inches of my hair for cancer, and barely any of them were accostumed to my new haircut. It took most people a couple of seconds to recognize me, and I'm pretty positive some of them still don't... It was rather terrible though, because the way the camera for my school pictures depicted my haircut as more of a 'bull cut' than I guess a longish pixie cut. Now looking at my ID tag, I say that if it wasn't my feminine eyebrows, I would look like a man.
This year, in my schools music program, because of the bagillion Gr. 10's that have started at my school, they've had to separate the ensembles into different levels to accomodate all the kids. The 'elite' group if audition only, and I'm the only Gr. 12 french horn player, and so going into school, it almost felt like an obligation that I audition. Anywho, I had to decline the audition, as the classes are on thursdays, and I won't be going to school on most thursdays of the year, and I wouldn't want to commit if I know I can't make those classes. You may be wondering, why will you be absent on these days?! Well, as I've explained to my TA and the music teacher, I will be 'helping out' my friend who can no longer go to school because of her recent cancer diagnosis, by going and working on some classes she's taking online that are the same as the ones I am currently in...
My TA was recently upgraded to vice principal, so my TA group has moved from the 5th floor Social, to the Main Floor office, which was a very strange concept at the beginning, though I've adjusted. Also, my locker is now on the first floor, and though it's weird not being on the 5th floor, I am greatful, and I am sure my thighs are too, and we no longer have to venture up the thousands of stairs it takes to get to social! I'll be honest, I always found it exhausting!
As the weeks gone by, my ankle has gone from not being able to walk- to limping- to walking normally but with pain to no pain. I started going back to dance, although dancing is more painful than just walking. A girl at my dance school also strained the tendons in her ankle, though much more minor than mine, and I'll be honest, I bickered on endlessly how she 'stole my injury' and how much she really doesn't need that massive brace that she bought...GAHHHH. Okay, I'm done. Sorry, I realize it's stupid. Any who, schools been going great, all my courses have all started off with no grades below 90 so far, so that's great.
(I promise I'm almost done ranting...)
Yesterday, I had the best day ever!!! I had a cheese bun for lunch, and then after lunch I got a major craving for some chocolate. So I put in my $1.50 to get a 'cookies and cream' and out popped not ONE but TWO chocolate bars. I'll be honest, I stood in front of the vending machine jumping up in down for happiness... that wasn't embarassing at all. Then I make my way to a Bio Seminar, where we would be learning about 'Mitosis', so explain Mitosis, my teacher instructs us to make a cell using licorice as chromosomes, and marshmellows as other random organelles. At the end we had a little verbal quiz, and a sucker would be rewarded to those students who could tell what happens during a phase of Mitosis, and as brilliantly as I am, I got a sucker. As we were leaving, he said we could eat the licorice and marshmellows. BAH! Yum Yum in my Tum. Not to mention I discovered a sneaky recipe to make cinnamon buns really quickly but they still taste good!
That was my sugar rush for the day.
Until next time
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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