Well Hello there, we haven't talked in a while. I feel completely responsibile, as I am the one trying to do to many things at once. phew! Now I just have to manage to make it to the summer alive!
Golly gee, I haven't posted anything since the Olympics. This is sad.
The other day I was thinking about how 'sad' my life is. Not like in the 'boo-hoo' sort of sense, but the, 'did I actually do that?' sense. You following? As we made our way up to Whistler for our big band trip of the year, someone put in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back in. Now, this is one of my favorite Star Wars, and I could practically quote the entire film. You know it's sad when you can out-quote the bandies on your bus. And then that got me thinking. I was the biggest Star Wars geek ever. I mean, my mother made my sisters and I cloaks, I still keep a lightsaber by my bed, when it came time to redecorating our bathroom, we based it around a Star Wars poster we had inherited and for it's 'debut' I had a CD player going with the Cantina band song playing repeatedly. And on top of that, I manage to try to braid my hair like Leia every time I watch the classic Star Wars, and then go on to think "I need to grow my hair out for this to work". My sister and I used to have contests to see who knew the most, and it would usually come down to who could name the most planets. At the time, you could ask me anything about Star Wars and I would have atleast a 3 minute answer to go along with it.
Sadly, that isn't all. I went through a superhero phase too. When I started to watch the TV show 'Smallville', I became obsessed with the entourage surrounding the man of steel. Clark Kent, supermans alter ego has the same initials as me, so for some period of time, any nickname that people used to call him, I insisted that they called me that. I recall making my sister call me "Smallville, and CK" and I wouldn't reply until she called me that. For Christmas, I got a superman blanket- which is still on my bed to this day, and when I was at a wedding where we met Erica Durance, Lois Lane in Smallville, we giggled like little girls and brought along our fourth season with her on the cover for her to sign. It's our most prized possesion.
I could go on about how I used to select outfits that some bands I love used to wear, and that I would be able to recall certain things that they said, and that I could find which video in youtube it was from. I could tell you about the countless hours that I spent researching all this stuff so I could become more 'knowledgeable' about the subject- but then I could be writing this blog for a year straight.
Now that I come to think of it, all the things I did were really 'sad'- but then again, it's all in the past- well, most of it.
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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