What a beautiful morning in Vancouver! We could kept the windows open all night, and there was a fresh sea breeze. It was 8 am and everyone in Vancouver was awake except for my cousin; you see, we are complete opposites. She wants to stay up, I want to go to bed, I wake up early, she sleeps in- you get the picture? Anywho, my Gramma and my aunt were up and sitting at the table drinking some coffee, I joined them for a glass of orange juice and a muffin, and waited for sleepy-pants on the mattress to wake up.
When everything finally got into motion, we prepared to head to Richmond Oval for long track speed skating. Traffic was crazy throughout the Olympics, so we practically walked everywhere. So we headed to the train station, went to Aberdeen, and made our way to the oval.
At the very beginning of the walk, we were offered free hot chocolate. Now, who could give up free hot chocolate? Not us! It wasn't very good, but it was nice to drink something warm. We walked along the water edge, following a swarm of red. Rocks clinged to the edge of the water, and at some points, you would find little inukshuks that people had made out of the rocks. How clever.Photo up!
We got free Olympic tatoos on our hands, and got a 'GO CANADA GO' sign for cheering loudly for the volunteers. The line up for security wasn't to bad, and we went to our seats. We were sitting right behind all the camera's that were covering the events. I was sure I was going to get on TV. This was my shot at fame! Canadian Fan Meets Stardom! But no- us Canadian fans were nothing in compared to the Netherlands. They would dress completely in orange- including wigs, bert and ernie hats, huge signs. I'll know to pack this stuff the next time I go to the Olympic-if there is another oppurtunity? Anywho. I honestly had never really watched speed skating, so I never really knew what was going on- but that really didn't matter! The entire stadium would boom with Canadian fans stomping their feet and cheering on our athletes. It was such a rush to be a part of. Kristina Groves got 3rd at this event.
After the event, we walked back to the train station, and I can mostly remember being on the train for a long time. We took a train to my aunts friends house for supper. I honestly have no idea where they lived, or how we got there, but it was dark by the time we got there.
For supper, they made roast beef, yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes, fresh bread and veggies! After supper, I was starting to doze off on their couch. I remember seeing glimpses of Ice Dancing and curling, but I was too preoccupied being tired. It was only my second day and I was exhausted! What is this? I caught my second wave after eating some tirimasu. It was getting late, and they were gracious enough to drive us home. We got in, put on our Canadian pants, and watched Glee.
Glee... so good... just one more episode....zzzzzzzzzzzzz... nope
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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