Well, it's now 2010 and change has already started to take it's toll.
Since those good ole school day's where teachers would shove novel study after novel study down your throat, I developed a rather large hate into recreational reading. Oddly enough, I enjoyed reading about factual stuff. I'm sure I would take reading my mom's old psychology textbooks over Harry Potter any day. Though over time I grew more fond of books, I still don't read as often as I should. Over the summer, I splurged on all the old classics and yesterday took another splurge on books that I was just dying to read. Now, I can only hope that my $46.30 was worth it.
I went in to the book store looking for 'Lovely Bones', 'Dear John' and 'Alice in Wonderland', there were a few more that I would have liked to buy, but unfortunately my $50 gift certificate wouldn't pay for it. Anywho... My first challenge will be 'The Lovely Bones', no I'm not just reading it because the movie is coming out, (well, I guess just a little) but more because I've heard it is a strangely mesmerizing book. (Alright Alice Sebold, mesmerize me). Dear John is yet another Nicolas Sparks novel that is being turned into a movie. Seeing as I loved ' A Walk to Remember' and 'The Notebook' both movie and book, I desired to read and see this one. Now, Alice in Wonderland is a classic that I have wanted to read for 2 years now and just never got around to buying it, so when the chance came around, I couldn't let it slide.
I am now bound and determined.
As for recent movies I've seen?
2009 I was a virgin of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show". After 12 o'clock, I cracked open the champagne, and enjoyed myself this amusing show. I had got it from my clever uncle with all sorts of props to go along (ie. water gun, rice, newspaper, plastic gloves...) So I tried my best to catch on with everything, and I even tried to snap my rubber gloves at the same time as Frank'n'Furter (failed miserably... all 3 times). It was nearing 2 am as the movie was finishing up when my sister pointed out that Tim Curry as a drag kind of looks like my mother (I told her the next morning, and she wasn't quite sure if she should be offended or not, but Tim Curry in drag was rather beautiful). 2010 and now I've seen it and I loved it in all it's weirdness.
I watched All About Steve and was thankful that it didn't end like I thought it was. Thank you to the writers for not giving us something predictable. Merci.
I also watched District 9. Even though I fell asleep, and couldn't appreciate the movie, I now have to rewatch it to full appreciate it.
I also also watched Inglourious Basterds. Yes, it was funny and Yes Quentin Tarrantino was amazing yet again, yet I was slightly disgusted by the scalping and the carving of the foreheads. Yum.
Julie& Julia followed, and it was weird cause while I was watching it and they were making her blog and all her entries I got weirdly excited (I'm not quite sure why). Anywho. I love Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. It was wonderful.
Now I'm off on my quest to plow through the books. After that? Make my way through the Mel Brookes collection. Thank you Blockbuster.
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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