In Response to:
Rememberance Day: We celebrate it at school, we celebrate it on the day, we celebrate at 11 o' clock, and we remember on our own, but this rememberance day was different then most. Soldiers came to our school and handed out these little slips of papers that exclaimed "JOBS NOW"- Do Basic Training in the summer, and you can get any other job with the Military. Now, most people got the slip, disregarded it and moved on with their lives, but not me. I actually kind of want to do Basic Training. When I told people, some people laughed, some people couldn't believe that I want to do it, but others would love to join me. For me, it's probably the craziest thing I could do, but I'm actually considering, and planning on attending after I graduate High school.
World of Work: So I am currently employed, but hopefully by tommorow, I will no longer be employed. I kind of have a policy where if something goes wrong (majorly wrong) atleast 3 times, I kind of just quit. It's not a good thing, I know that, but that's honestly how I end up feeling. Any who, I'm hoping to move on and move forward, like anything in life, and hope for a job at the farmers market?
Oireachtas: The results from my dance competiton. Well, both teams from my school recalled, and the majority of my school recalled as soloists. My goal for that weekened was to perform my set on stage, which I did, But I didn't feel like it was a weekend for me. I was way more proud of my friends and sister who qualified. I've been there, Done that, got the t-shirt/long sleeve/ hoodie.
School: Is it sad that I am doing better in Math 20 then I ever did in Math 10? Response= Happy parents, TA, and me.
H1N1: I'm neutral about the whole thing, but I think it is a concern. Stupid Facebook groups should really grow up. Zombies, really?
2012: I have my theories, I've read about others. Do I think the world is going to end? No. Do I think something will happen? You bet. Mind you, I'm very supersticious and spook myself out.
Responsed by:
-Happy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago
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