It's nearing the end of summer, and everyone's preparing for the various things to come for the year. As it is, I am heading back to my last year of high school and a new year with dance. In my dance school, I have become really close with most the girls there, and it is sad to say that there a couple of them heading off to University. We decided that we would have to get together atleast one last time before everyone leaves. So, we thought, how 'bout a Murder Mystery game? That will be fun, right?
I didn't know much about Murder Mysteries, but I was told that we were supposed to dress up. In most cases, the people know their characters and what they are supposed to look like before they show up for the party, but we were a little disorganized and got the game only hours before buying it. I figured, let's dress up anyways, so I went through my Dress up box, pulled out all the old costumes and headed over. I decided to wear this White, blue, mint green, pink floral dress from the eighties that was decked out with massive shoulder pads, and I put a black scarf around my head. Apparently I was the only not to get the text that it is themed 70's. I was a decade too late, Oh well.
There were 8 characters and only 6 people, so two of us had to take on two characters. So, I soon became mysterious dealer 'Chaka Moon' and ballad singer 'Manny Baritone'. The game was layed out where you were given profile booklets describing your character(s), followed by rounds with stuff your character knows and can be used to interrogate others. It alsohad information we should keep to ourselves unless asked directly and clues that needed to be revealed. My friend brought along with her a plastic cleaver, not knowing the title of the game. Weapon in hand, we proceeded.
The scene: A disco club owner, Stan A. Live was found dead on the dance floor with a cleaver in his back. Smell of bubblegum lingered on the dead body. A mood ring was found in his hand. There was a hearing aid that had fallen on the floor, and broken glass. Outside, DJ Wolfman Bob was dead in a puddle of water with electrical wires hanging down.
Everytime we flipped a page and had to read about information about our characters, each of us nearly peed our pants laughing. There were so many references to songs and the 70's, it was ridiculous.
We had 'Chaka Moon' who was known in her younger days as the 'deaf, dumb and blind kid, who sure played a mean pinball'. Stan was envious and hired Brady Bunsch to break her wrists so he could be better than her. She dropped her hearing aid the day of stan's murder, and often wears bubblegum flavoured lipgloss. Oh yeah, and she has a baby who she tells is stan, but is actually Vinnies (that was the night that the lights went out in Georgia). She also secretly married stan a couple weeks earlier, and the time of stans murder, she was in the DJ booth gettin' jiggy with Brady Busnch. Woah, lol.
Manny hated stan as a kid, and was bullied because he was chubby. (Though one day, he fell into a chocolate river and was sucked up a tube and was thinned out). His father was business partners with Stan who worked in a mortuary. Manny was outside at the time of the murder, in the puddle with Wolfman Bob, but wasn't killed because he was wearing platform shoes! (?). Oh yeah, and he was in a heavy metal band called LIKK. (what!?)
Not to mention Angina Palpitori who was possessed by the Devil, and killed her boyfriends, hoping stan was her next victim. Brady Bunsch who was an exorcist who made a deal with the Devil to live part time in Angie. Brady wasn't actually Brady but some italian man. Then there was Vinny who loved Polly Ester Stuffincup, but was dating Angie and was planning to kill her. Then there was Stans wife Belle bedham who was working with Angie to kill stan because there marriage was not official, and she wanted his money. Knight Feever who was a bionic man who was being black mailed by stan who worked as a butcher, and had the meat cleaver that night. Polly and Manny were doing business together, and Polly is notorious for chewing bubble gum. Vinnie likes to be naked, Belle had broken her glass as she was an alcholic, Polly was with Stan when he was murdered, but who did it?
dun dun dun dundundundundundundUNDUNDUNDUN.
No other than the deaf, dumb and blind kid, Chaka moon.
Of course it would be my character.
You probably can't understand a single thing that I just explained, it was too complex. I couldn't have imagined if they told you from the start. I would not have been able to hide it.
It probably wasn't that funny, but as we were a bit hyped up, it was freakin hilarious.
As a side note:
Clue #9.
Dear Stan
(I really wish I remembered what the note said...
blah, blah, blah, stan getting a divorce and not
giving money to belle, blah blah blah)
May Divorce Be With You- George Mucous.
-appy Blogger
Episode 2 - A Bucket of Beeps
12 years ago